Chapter Twelve: Cry of the Hunters

Imagine that a third film version is now being contemplated. Who would you cast in the following roles? Ralph, Jack, Piggy, Simon, Roger, Samneric

Select ONE of the characters and write an interview with the CAST MEMBER selected for the role. The star will only answer TWO questions (agent’s rule) . Make them count!

Ralph: Ralph is initially referred to as the boy with the fair hair and is later described as being old enough, twelve years and a few months, to have lost the prominent tummy of childhood but not yet only enough for adolescence to have made him awkward. So with that in mind I would choose.. Dylan Minnette


Dylan played a great roll in the movies Prisoners which I just watched recently. He showed great emotion and when his sister is kidnapped his shows his sense of leadership which proves that he can play Ralphs character.

In the novel, Piggy is described as chubby I guess and wears thick glasses. He has short hair which never seems to get any longer. He suffers from asthma and he doesn’t really like to do anything which involves physical exercise. He can’t swim and the other boys view him as an outsider who is “bit of a joke,” but he is also intelligent. With that being said I chose Aedin Mincks


Aedin has the same body type so all you would have to do is place some specs on him, the perfect clothes and fix up his hair and you have piggy! Also, Aedin plays a role of an intelligent prodigy who is lazy and not athletic in his tv series so he is the perfect match to play Piggy’s character!

Jack was described as he was tall, thin, and bony: and his hair was red beneath the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness. Out of his face stared two light blue eyes, frustrated now, and turning, or ready to turn, to anger. With that description, i would choose THE Alex Godbout, a picture is not even necessary because everyone knows him! Alex does not come off as someone that could act as Jack but once you get to know him you get to see his dark side. His is somewhat tall, and he is also thin. I believe that he can be a good actor and is great to get into character. Now that you know that Alex can act Jack, never get on his bad side.

Next, Simon is a small skinny boy “with eyes so bright they had been deceived as wicked”. He has a long mop of coarse black hair conceals most of his forehead and ears. With that description I would choose Chandler Riggs.


He has the luscious brown hair that could be grown a few more inches to fit the description and he also has the beautiful eyes that fit the description.

Lastly, Sam and Eric, later known simply as Samneric, are described in the book as being a pair of identical twins who were “Bullet-headed and with hair like tow.” It was hard for me to find a pair of identic twins to play the role of Samneric but after a long search with plenty of auditions I found Dylan and Casey Boersma.

These two boys are easily fit for the role of Samneric as anyone else would be. they fit the criteria and after auditioning them i found that they are tremendous actors that can play any role you ask of them!

Select ONE of the characters and write an interview with the CAST MEMBER selected for the role. The star will only answer TWO questions (agent’s rule) . Make them count!

I chose Dylan Minnette to interview.

Q. Why do you feel you are fit for playing the role of Ralph?

A. Well, I have read the book a couple times and have examined Ralphs character. I thought that I would have to act like a complete different person but after reading about his personality, I have a little bit of Ralph in my personality. I can be a leader whenever I choose to and I know how to run a group. I am confident in my acting skills and I know that I can easily put myself in Ralphs shoes to play the best role to make it an amazing film. Also I was recently in the movie ” The Prisoners” where I played the role of the brother with a sister who was kidnapped. It had a very sad plot but I was easily able to put myself in a different mindset and bring emotions to the set to shoot a great movie.

Q. How do you think this film will turn out? Do you have any suggestions

I believe that this film will turn out fantastic. I’ve already started bonding with all of the other actors and if they wish to make this film an amazing one as well, then we will! You chose such great actors for the film that resemble the different characters in the book in some way. One thing we must do is make our film stand out from all of the others. We must examine the novel many, many times to be able to understand fully what William Golding was trying to express. We will show the viewers that there’s is a little bit of evil in all of us. They will leave the movie theatre being amazed at what they just laid there eyes on.


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