Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees


In the beginning of the chapter, Ralph recalls a happy memory, where he was with his mother and father in England. He mentions having cornflakes, with cream and sugar waiting for him at his bedside. we all have foods that we prefer more than others, and other valuables that are particularly sentimental. If you were on a deserted island, and could have an unlimited supply of a certain food, what would you choose? Also, if you were to bring one personal item, what would it be and why? How would these two luxuries impact your time on the island? (i.e. would you be comfortable enough to stay forever, or would they motivate you greater to find rescue?

If I was stranded on an island and I could have an unlimited supply of food I would probably choose nachos. It seems like a random meal to choose but I could eat Nachos with sour cream and salsa all day! I don’t think I would get sick of eating that and I personally think it tastes amazing. At first I thought of saying pizza but I know that I would definitely get sick of eating pizza after 3 days.

I also have a second choice which would be some sort of meat, probably chicken. It would be quite hard for me to last a long time without my meat! I wouldn’t get sick of it and because my body is so used to eating meat I could possibly get sick at first without eating it because my body is so immune to that type of protein.

Unfortunately in the question it specifically asks for what food I would choose, so I can’t say a beverage. However, if I was able to I would choose a beverage i would say a fresh supply of clean water over nachos any day. Water is so refreshing and quenches my thirst. I wouldn’t mind drinking water everyday so if I had to I would just hunt animals, eat fruit, and drink water. It would keep me for gaining any weight while on the island.

If I was aloud to bring one object to the island it would either be a basketball or a fishing line and hook. It sounds pretty corny but having a basketball with me would help me get through that type of situation because it could come to many uses. I could just hold it for fun, play games with it or practice my shot while I’m there. If I was stranded on island and had a basketball with me I would just work on my form when I’m bored and by the time I got out of there I would probably be able to shoot like Kobe Bryant. I would bring a fishing line and hook because I could possible be stranded on an island with a lake or ocean filled with fish. I would be able to have another resource of food. Also fishing could be a time consuming activity. Some people are into that hobby and think it is very peaceful. If I was stranded with others it could be a stress reliever possibly when in tough times.

In conclusion if I was stranded on an island and had the chance to bring an u limited supply of food I would choose either nachos or some sort of meat. If I was able to bring any object I would choose either a basketball or a fishing line and hook

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