Chapter 5: Beast from Water


In chapter 5, Ralph, as chief, was clearly having difficulty controlling the group of rambunctious boys. If our grade 10 enriched English class were stranded on the deserted island, who do you think would best handle the stress and responsibility of being chief? Select one classmate (not including yourself or Mrs. Wittmann) and explain why you believe they would make a better chief than Ralph.

If I was stranded on an island with my grade 10 English and i had to designate one leader to be in control of making most of the decisions, i think i would choose Emma or James. It would be hard for me to choose between the two though. Emma can be very loud and enthusiastic is she wishes ( from what ive seen so far) and would be able to control people and get others attention if needed.From the way she answers questions in class i can tell that she has knowledge that can help the group and she can also communicate with others and get along with most people.  James on the other hand is a very intelligent person. From reading his blog i can already tell that he is someone that has great backgroud knowledge on this certain scenario. If we were all stranded on an island James would know what to do in the nature, which resources to use, and how to use them.

Now right before ending my blog I came across Alex Godbout’s blog and a thought came to my mind ” How could i forget about Alex? He would be the perfect fit for a leader!” Alex would have the ability to contol everyone and know exactly what to do considering food and shelter. I can barely even descibe with words how great of a leader he would be. Usually when i need someone to choose between something like purple or blue gatorade. I text WIll and Alex at the same and Alex is the is the first to respond with an amazing answer on why blue is better. Which shows Alex would be a great leader because he gives great advice and can communicate well with others.

I didnt completely answer this question corectly because i should have chosen just one person but theres just oso many awesome people in our class! In conclusion i would choose either, Emma, James, or Alex and then get the rest of the group to vote on who they would like best to be the leader

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